Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

So as you might have guessed, Christmas was a little different this year. For starters it wasn’t cold, there was no real Christmas build up, and my family wasn’t here. Although it wouldn’t be what I am used to, I was excited because the kids were bouncing off the walls. Anyways, our Christmas Day looked a little like this…

-       Insa, Riley, Mira, and I had a fairly “normal” Christmas morning. We woke up early, sat around the tree my family sent me (you guys are the best), opened our packages from home, and ate breakfast. It was even kind of cold, which made it feel even more home-y haha.

-       Since Thailand is primarily a Buddhist country, Christmas is not usually a holiday that is celebrated… therefore we had school. Insa and I just had classes in the morning, which were filled with Christmas coloring pages, music, musical chairs, and treats.

-       The party started around two with the entire school. The theater was decorated with a tree, balloons, signs, etc. Everybody was so excited! It began with many traditional Thai dances, and a few silly dances as well. All of the students that were danced in beautiful costumes, next time I will try and get some better pictures of them!

-       About half way through the party, Santa Claus made an appearance. Oh, and how did he arrive?! VIA ELEPHANT! Yes, we were all freaking out. All of us volunteers and staff knew that this would be happening, but we were still through the roof ecstatic. So Santa came up the hill, waved to all of the students, and proceeded to the theater. Each student got to go up on stage and receive a present from Santa. We were SO impressed because the kids got their present, and they all were waiting so patiently to open until everybody was ready. Of course there were a few sneak peeks, but for the most part they did so good!

-       While Santa was talking to the students, many of us were taking pictures with the elephant. I will admit, I was terrified. But then Riley and I were offered to ride the elephant, and of course we jumped at the opportunity. You will notice Riley is holding my hand, trying to calm me down hahaha.

-       Everybody ate dinner together in the theater, and the party wrapped up. All of the kids were playing with their new toys, students were dancing and everybody was smiling.

Overall, Christmas was a huge success! Being away from family and friends was weird, but I actually has an amazing holiday. Thank you to all of my family and friends who sent me cards, packages, or messages… it made me feel so special J Also to top it all off, I got to skype in Christmas morning. I watched everyone open presents and was totally part of the action! I know it sounds crazy but it felt like I was actually there. I am so thankful for modern technology! Anyways, I hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe holiday season back home.

Brough family Christmas 2013!