Sunday, November 24, 2013

Welcome (back to) the jungle!

Here I am, back in the jungle! After going home for about 6 weeks, I am here again in Thailand and loving it. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous about returning after being home and seeing all of my friends and family. Turns out, six weeks at home was exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries.

Once I landed in Phuket I was so excited to see the kids, I could barely stand myself. Unfortunately I didn’t get back to Yaowawit until after 11pm, so I had to wait until the following day. The next day seeing all of the kids, meeting the new volunteers, and seeing the staff was the Thai staff was the best! It felt almost as if I never had left but everything was exciting and new again. Also the Yaowawit volunteers welcomed a new volunteer who is a friend of mine from home, Riley! Having someone from home here in Thailand can make a world of difference. I am so excited that she decided to take the plunge and join me in Kapong.

Su brushing her teeth after lunch
So far teaching has picked up right where it left off. I think the month of October was just what everyone needed. The students and staff are all in high spirits and ready to take on second semester. This semester along with the other volunteers, I am taking a thai class from one of our teachers K. Tak. Of course we aren’t expecting to come out of it fluent, or anywhere close; but maybe after this term I will know more than how to order food!

Rainy season is FINALLY coming to a close. It was a longgggggg few months, and I am very much looking forward to some sunshine and a good tan. Right now it is kind of in-between seasons, so in the transition we are getting a little rain every evening along with crazy thunder and lightening. Luckily we haven’t had any power outages yet! We were able to fit in some beach time a few weekends ago, and we will be in Phuket this weekend…And FINALLY will be seeing catching fire!

I hope all is well at home and everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Do me a favor and don’t post toooo many pictures of your delicious turkey dinner. I’m not kidding at lunch we shredded chicken and I pretended it was turkey; I even convinced myself it smelled exactly like it.